Mine Counter Measure Ships are Vital for Fleet Survivabilty

According to aerospace aviation and defense and a&d market experts, a fact that was evident in both World Wars and the Korean War is that sea mines are among the least expensive and most lethal dangers to naval forces. For two decades, modern navies have increased their spending in autonomous Mine countermeasure vessels’ capabilities to reduce the effects and hazards of sea mines on naval operations. The purpose of mine countermeasure vessels is to locate and detonate naval mines as per both aerospace aviation and defense and a&d market experts. The mine countermeasure ships can be classified as mine hunters, minesweepers, or mine countermeasure ships that perform both minesweeper and mine hunter duties simultaneously.

United States Mine Countermeasure Vessels

The U.S. Navy started building a new MCM force powered by mine countermeasures vessels in the early 1980s, which included two new ship classes and minesweeping helicopters. The Avenger (MCM 1) and Guardian (MCM 5) ships conducted MCM missions with mine countermeasure vessels in the Persian Gulf throughout the eight years of the Iran-Iraq War and in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm in 1990 and 1991. MCMd 1991. Mine countermeasure ships are becoming more autonomous and unmanned with advancements in AI technology. In order to carry out mine-hunting operations, the US Navy has started the Littoral Combat Ship Mission Modules (LCS MM) Program, which consists of 48 unmanned surface vehicles (USV) purchased for both the Unmanned Mine Sweeping (UMS) and Remote Mine Hunting (RMH) modules according to aerospace aviation and defense and a&d market experts. The Unmanned MCM USV will be an all-aluminum, long-endurance, semi-autonomous, diesel-powered surface mine countermeasure vessels that supports the use of multiple MCM payloads, such as Minesweeping Payload Delivery Systems (PDS), Mine Hunting PDS, and PDSs for Future Payloads, including Mine Neutralization. In one MCM sortie, it would simplify the entire detect-to-engage procedure. The MCM modules will employ Knifefish and Barracuda Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV). Additionally, Orca XLUUV and its little UUVs could participate in MCM missions without informing the adversary as per aerospace aviation and defense and a&d market experts.

United Kingdom Mine Countermeasure Ships

Additionally, the UK MoD is funding a programme called Mine and Hydrographic Capability (MHC). Three UUVs are sought after in order to carry out mine warfare missions from USVs as per aerospace aviation and defense and a&d market experts. Similar to the Belgian and Dutch Navies, the Tripartite-class ship fleets of those nations will be replaced starting in 2023. The Belgian and Dutch Navies will receive 12 mine countermeasure ships and related equipment from the Belgium Naval and Robotics consortium (created by Naval Group and ECA Group) as part of the MCM initiative. This ship will be outfitted with Inspector 125 USVs from ECA Group, A18-M AUVs, SEASCAN and K-STER C ROVs, and Inspector and K-STER C ROVs. The USV Inspector 125 can control all of these drones on its own. Unmanned aerial vehicles and influence sweeps are also included in the drone system according to aerospace aviation and defense and a&d market professionals.

India Mine Countermeasure Ships

As stated by aerospace aviation and defense and a&d market experts, the demand for mine countermeasure vessels  in India is critical. The lastoperating minesweeper was INS Kozhikode, a Pondicherry-class minesweeper constructed for the Indian Navy by the Soviet Union, however it was decommissioned on April 13, 2019. Since that time, the Indian Navy’s fleet no longer includes mine countermeasure vessels specifically designed for mine warfare. In order to obtain three to four Mine Countermeasure Vessels (MMCV) for the Indian Navy, the Indian Ministry of Defense (MoD) published a request for information (RFI). According to the RFI, the Mine Countermeasure Ships must be capable of mine laying, channel conditioning, route survey, sanitization, local naval defense, search and rescue, MIO (Maritime Interdiction Operations), and VBSS (Visit Board Search and Seize) Ops according to aerospace aviation and defense and a&d market trends. They also must be able to locate, classify, and neutralize all types of ground and moored mines. The Indian Government demanded that three to four units be purchased or leased, with the first mine countermeasure ship arriving with a maximum delay of ten months. Every four months, the others will be delivered after them as per aerospace aviation and defense and a&d market experts.

Russia Mine Countermeasure Ships

The Alexandrite-class (Project 12700) mine countermeasure ships is part of theRussian Navy’s ongoing modernization of its mine warfare capabilities. By 2050, Russia intends to have 30 minesweepers of the Alexandrit class. The programme includes two Alister-9 UUVs, two K-Ster I-type UUVs, ten K-Ster C disposable UUVs, and an unmanned Mine countermeasure ship of the Inspector-MK2 type for each of the mine countermeasure vessels according to aerospace aviation and defense and a&d market experts.

South Korea Mine Countermeasure Vessels

South Korean Navy is modernizing its Mine countermeasure ship fleet to meet the ever-increasing  the eight years of the Iran-Iraq War and in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm in 1990 anthreat from its hostile neighbor, Daeyang Electric was given a contract to create underwater mine disposal vehicles (MDVs), and as of January 2021, the business had supplied ten MDVs. Additionally, in December 2020, LIG Nex1 was given a KRW12 billion ($11 million) contract by the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) to develop indigenous AUV for mine detection. By 2023, the AUV is anticipated to be finished.

Some of the modern mine countermeasure ship have features such as deployment of AUVs, identification robots, and neutralization MIDS (Mine Identification and Disposal System). Lightweight drones can land in more challenging water thanks to the wider UAV landing platform. With the aim of streamlining robot handling and improving the operability of the entire platform, the designs more often include a dedicated hangar with direct access to the aft deck and a control center with a bird’s eye view of the deployment zone. With modernization programmes to replace ageing ships, MCM ships will continue to see demand till the end of the decade.

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